Second Cup | His Name Is Alive- Someday Remixes

In 2001 His Name is Alive released the controversial SOMEDAY MY BLUES WILL COVER THE EARTH (4AD), an introspective album that mixes contemporary beats, old time blues, sad songs, and minimalist chamber music, all shrouded in the darkest shades of blue.
These companion remixes, done at that time, represent an amazing cross-section of underground electronic music artists then and now - including Four Tet, Minotaur Shock Herrmann & Kleine and Burnt Friedman among others. (text taken from HNIA site)
01. Write My Name (Tony Ollivierra)
02. One Year (Four Tet)
03. Happy Blues (Susumu Yokota)
04. Nothing Special (Herrmann & Kleine)
05. Happy Blues (Recloose)
06. Nothing Special (Burnt Friedman)
07. Someday (Burnt Friedman)
08. One Year (Minotaur Shock)
09. Someday (Ectomorph)
10. Write My Name (HNIA R&B version)
11. Write My Name (HNIA 1998 Demo)
The full album is available for a limited time...
Download ZIP: His Name Is Alive-Someday Remix Album here.
Also, be sure to check out their album "Detrola" which came out earlier this year...
official site: HNIA
Thanks for the album! Cool site!
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