La Biscotte | An Pierlé
As we mentioned last Friday, we welcomed Anne (from Kawaii) as our featured guest resident blogger here at ADD. We thought we give her own cool series title name, sorta running with the theme of coffee. As we've been attempting to do at this site. And as we also mentioned last week, her entries will be bilingual- both in French and English.
(all text below by Anne)

An Pierlé est une chanteuse belge. Elle a commencé le piano à 9 ans et n’a
visiblement jamais arrêté depuis. Avec sa formation classique et sa voix aux
intonations intimistes et enchanteresses, elle aurait très bien pu devenir
un des ténors de la variété belge. Mais non. La dame se plaît dans les
ambiances éclectiques et sophistiquées. Après avoir évolué pendant plusieurs
années en solo, An Pierlé rencontre aujourd’hui un succès d’estime avec son
nouveau projet An Pierlé and White Velvet, un duo avec Koen Gisen. Mais
c’est un titre de son second album, Helium Sunset (2002) que vous pourrez
écouter aujourd’hui…
An Pierlé is a Belgian singer. She played the piano since she was 9 years old
and she obviously never stopped since then. With her classic education and
her intimistbewitching voice, she could have became one big name of Belgian
light music. But she didn’t. The lady enjoys eclectic and sophisticated ambiances. After having played alone for several years, An Pierlé has received praise from the critics with her new project An Pierlé and White Velvet, a duo with Koen Gisen. But that’s a title from her second album that you can listen to today…
mp3: An Pierlé- "Helium Sunset"
(YouSend: for a limited time only)
official site: An Pierlé
My Space: An Pierlé
official site: An Pierlé and White Velvet
My Space: An Pierlé and White Velvet
(all text below by Anne)

An Pierlé est une chanteuse belge. Elle a commencé le piano à 9 ans et n’a
visiblement jamais arrêté depuis. Avec sa formation classique et sa voix aux
intonations intimistes et enchanteresses, elle aurait très bien pu devenir
un des ténors de la variété belge. Mais non. La dame se plaît dans les
ambiances éclectiques et sophistiquées. Après avoir évolué pendant plusieurs
années en solo, An Pierlé rencontre aujourd’hui un succès d’estime avec son
nouveau projet An Pierlé and White Velvet, un duo avec Koen Gisen. Mais
c’est un titre de son second album, Helium Sunset (2002) que vous pourrez
écouter aujourd’hui…
An Pierlé is a Belgian singer. She played the piano since she was 9 years old
and she obviously never stopped since then. With her classic education and
her intimistbewitching voice, she could have became one big name of Belgian
light music. But she didn’t. The lady enjoys eclectic and sophisticated ambiances. After having played alone for several years, An Pierlé has received praise from the critics with her new project An Pierlé and White Velvet, a duo with Koen Gisen. But that’s a title from her second album that you can listen to today…
mp3: An Pierlé- "Helium Sunset"
(YouSend: for a limited time only)
official site: An Pierlé
My Space: An Pierlé
official site: An Pierlé and White Velvet
My Space: An Pierlé and White Velvet
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