Thursday, August 17, 2006

Second Cup | Pitchfork's 1960s Day 4

It's Day 4.
Covering songs from #60-21.
Thought I highlight some of the songs with notable excerpts.

(the following excerpts taken from Pitchfork)

53. Led Zeppelin: "Whole Lotta Love"
"According to Joy Press and Simon Reynolds' The Sex Revolts, American soldiers in Vietnam would ride into battle blasting..."
*I wonder if they still do that as we're in Iraq...or ride in with a beat of a different drummer, so to speak.

48. David Bowie: "Space Oddity"
"...the song stands on its own, showcasing Bowie's gifts for building atmosphere through arrangements and thematic elements..."

39. The Rolling Stones: "Sympathy for the Devil"
"It was a ballsy move for Mick Jagger to sing about Satan in the first person...he weaves the Crucifiction, the Hundred Years' War, the October Revolution, World War II, and the assassinations of the Kennedys into an interlocking tapestry of human cruelty, and then he takes credit for all of it..."

21. The Beach Boys: "Good Vibrations"
"'Good Vibrations' introduced the electro-Theremin (now often known as the Tannerin, its interface involves shifting the pitch of a sine wave by sliding a knob across a dummy keyboard) to the world at large, its bright eeriness audibly echoing Wilson's knack for blending the mundane with the extraterrestrial..."


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